Experimenting with a paper that is typically used for pinhole photography, direct positive images and photograms. Choose transparent objects, and the result is clear. The structure and strength of the fragility arises. Opaque, and the result: not so much. Searching through uncertainty, amidst darkness, does one find the light?
Miscalculations: an uncalculated exploration of the same medium. The result: a polar opposite. Disregarding the specificity and certainty that a place like the darkroom is known for, coupled with reversing the shadow of the Rose, to invert the tonal range. Uncalculated exposures, unexpected results; a total experiment of the idea to look within to seek what it is to be without.
A black border encapsulates her darkside. Glossy amber reveals itself as a byproduct of uneven development. An internal battle prevails: the discovery of what it is to feel clouded and to look at the rift within.